The introduction of many new technologies and their operation has a profound impact upon the business users utilising their new digital platform, but also the IT organisation managing it. Only by changing the way transformations are delivered and working through the business is the true value of cloud adoption and the Digital Workplace realised.
By working hand in hand with your team we have develop an effective programme team and engage the business through effective communications and education.
The development of our own transformation products enhance our ability to transform workplace environments. From discovering and understanding the current environment, through to the execution of the migration of users to the new Digital Workplace, we have got the tools that automate the numerous technical activities needed.
When combined with our consultancy knowledge and experience we can provide an industrialised process that from the end user perspective is purely driven by themselves. They have the ability to choose when then want to migrate, during the migration they can easily follow the intuitive migration steps to move them towards the new platform.
The whole time in the background the transformation team are able to monitor and review the performance of migrations, focusing our efforts on any exceptions that occur during the process. This user driven migration approach helps reduce the cost of deployment, whilst providing a better end user experience.